Wedding Vows, Poems, Songs, etc.
$48.00 setup per piece
plus $ 0.25 per word
The minimum order is $15.00
(Prices may vary depending on complexity of project)
Painting/Pastels/Mixed Media: additional charges apply
* Please note, I work with an artist Jim Swinnerton, who creates realistic watercolors and acrylics. He is paid separately for his beautiful paintings
Generally there is no charge for paper unless it is special ordered or larger than 14" by 17
Outside Only:
$ 2.25 for any number of lines, including the zip code
Two full names will require one extra line
each extra line: $0.00
Inner & Outer Set:
$ 2.75 per set for any number of lines, including the zip code
each extra line: $0.00
Black Squiggly and up to one other color on inside envelopes
This is my special touch to show that your envelop is "Hand Scribed": no charge
Silver and Gold Squiggly and up to one other color on inside envelopes- each for .25
Return Address:
2 Lines :$1.75
Black- no charge
Call for other colors and prices.
I charge you what I am charged.
Place Cards:
$ 1.50 each (Includes Names & table #)
One to two names per card
$ .25 each to write out "Table" and number
Black, most colors, Metallic colors
Table Cards:
Depends on sizing
Average $3.00 per Card
Black- no charge
Gold or Silver add .50 per card
RUSH orders under 7 days-
there will be an additional fee
Fees will vary depending on what the project is
Minimum is an additional 10% more
Within 5 days: additional 25% more
Within 2 days: It's going to get ugly! LOL (50 % more)
Postage and Handling:
Postage and handling fees are in addition to the above prices for calligraphy.
Cost is generally $10.95- All packages are shipped Priority Mail with a delivery confirmation, extra insurance for orders over $100 is an additional fee of $5.00
Out of the USA prices will be done individually.
I will reuse any box that your materials are sent in whenever possible.
Any packaging that I have to pay for will be added on to your total cost.